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The Ultimate Guide to Throwing a Virtual Baby Shower

The internet has made life easier for friends and families who live in different parts of the world. With a virtual baby shower, you can still spend time with your loved ones in person while avoiding any risks that go along with in-person contact.

You don’t have to travel across the country or even cross-town to celebrate this special occasion with family and friends. A virtual baby shower will allow you to connect with guests from all over the world and it’s simple to do!

In this blog post, we’ll go over how to host a virtual baby shower that all guests will love!


virtual baby  shower


How is a Virtual Baby Shower Done?

A virtual baby shower is usually set up through a private video chat.


Who Hosts?

Typically, a friend or family member will host the virtual baby shower but occasionally the mother-to-be will be the hostess. The nice thing about virtual baby showers is that the hostess can do the job from anywhere since it’s all virtual!


Who Attends?

As there is no physical location for the event, there usually aren’t any limits on who or how many people to invite.

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